Saturday, December 28, 2019

Welfare And The Recipients Of Welfare - 963 Words

Welfare and its Recipients In today’s time every single person has an opinion on a matter. That matter may be in politics, foreign affairs, racial profiling, or illegal immigrants. The matter that I address my attention to has to deal with welfare, and the recipients of welfare. Welfare is a program brought upon by the United States Government that provides assistance to American citizens that are needy individuals or needy families. The types and amounts of welfare available to individuals and families vary upon location. The most basic types of aid provided by welfare include: health care, food stamps, child care assistance, unemployment, cash aid, and housing assistance. This aid is provided by the American tax payers. Being a tax payer, this angers me deeply knowing that I’m providing for this program. Not that I do not want to help my fellow Americans, I feel as though this program should do more than just provide. My opinion on this matter is that recipients of this program should have to g o through a longer, stricter process and higher regulations in order to receive these funds provided by welfare. The eligibility requirements that are now in place for recipients of this program in which are based on, include: gross and net income, size of family, any crisis situation such as medical emergencies, pregnancy, homelessness or unemployment (WelfareInfo). These requirements are obscured. These requirements show nothing on the recipient, other than what kind of situationShow MoreRelatedShould Welfare Recipients Be More Selective? For Recipients Of Welfare?1798 Words   |  8 Pageswill happen to their good life, but in some cases they are fired out of the blue and don’t have anything to fall back on. It is for instances such as these that welfare needs to be available to people who genuinely need help from the government. Some believe that the government should become more selective in choosing recipients of welfare in order to prevent people from taking advantag e of the programs, but the government should remember that many citizens (about 35.4% of the population) depend onRead MoreWelfare Recipients Drug Tested1311 Words   |  6 PagesThere has been an ongoing controversy as to whether welfare recipients should have to have drug testing done. Drug testing will ensure that recipients will not abuse the money they’re given by the government. Having people on welfare take drug test is advantageous because it could save the system money, it would help social workers identify children who are around drug abuse, and it would deter people from purchasing and using illegal drugs; however, it does have a downside such as people who areRead MoreDrug Testing Welfare Recipients1395 Words   |  6 PagesIn 2010, 17.5% of unemployed adults collecting some sort of welfare failed drug tests. In 2011, 23.8% of welfare recipients admitted to using illegal drugs, including marijuana. The problem the United States if facing is that welfare recipien ts are using the cash they are given to purchase illegal drugs. Many of these people purchasing illegal drugs had prior illegal drug abuse problems and some of these people believe that since they are given this â€Å"free† money, they can continue on with these addictionsRead MoreDrug Testing For Welfare Recipients1347 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Since the reformation of welfare in 1996, nearly all states have attempted to pass legislation to require the use of drug testing among welfare recipients. Thirteen states have passed legislation and there are currently seven states testing applicants for drugs. The results have been somewhat anticlimactic, as the number of positive drug test results is lower than the national average. There are many concerns surrounding the issue of drug testing welfare recipients, including the cost, constitutionalityRead MoreDrug Testing Welfare Recipients913 Words   |  4 PagesMedicaid is a social service program that offers health insurance to children and certain needy families. The problem that welfare recipients are having with Medicaid is that it is a challenge for them to get medication because they have to wait until a physician’s approval. Medicaid is intended for those that need medical attention and cannot pay for themselves. These recipients will push the limit just so they can get cash. Medicaid covered patients go around the streets and sell their prescriptionRead MoreWelfare Recipients Abusing the System1063 Words   |  4 PagesThe welfare faults America spends an annual amount of 131.9 billion dollars on welfare alone (Department of Commerce). So many facts about welfare are overwhelming, such that over 12,800,000 Americans are on the welfare system. The entire social welfare system is in desperate need of a complete reform. In order for a proper reform to ensue, the people of America must combine efforts with the U.S. government to revitalize the current welfare system. This reform would involve answering two importantRead More Welfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal Responsibility1248 Words   |  5 PagesWelfare Reform - Welfare Recipients MUST take Personal Responsibility   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Public Welfare is an important support system of the United States government. Welfare has its benefits, but the system has pitfalls. Instead of abolishing welfare as critics of the system suggest, reforms can be made to correct the problems while government, either on the state or federal level, can continue to assist the impoverished.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The term welfare is used to describe a variety of programs that provide Read MoreDrug Testing Welfare Recipients Essay1114 Words   |  5 Pagesunemployed citizens. While there are many people who disagree with testing welfare recipients, the truth is that the pros greatly outweigh the cons. The long term improvements that drug testing will have on the country are substantial. The wellbeing and stability of America’s children, unemployment, fairness across the board for all Americans and the economy; all play substantial rolls in how drug testing welfare recipients is a positive move forward for each U.S. state. As stated by childwelfareRead MoreShould Drug Testing Welfare Recipients? Essay1707 Words   |  7 PagesThe big question is, is it a problem within the welfare system? Drug use isn’t just a problem of poverty; it’s found among all groups and classes. As said in Jamelle Bouies article, The Myth of Drug Use and Welfare, â€Å"The myth of welfare recipients spending their benefits on drugs is just that—a myth. And indeed, in Utah, only 12 people out of 466—or 2.5 percent—showed evidence of drug use after a mandatory screening.† Drug testing welfare recipients is something many people have different views onRead MoreMandatory Drug Testing For Welfare Recipients1526 Words   |  7 PagesBreez Arann Ms. Holiday English 12 11/04/15 Mandatory Drug Testing for Welfare Recipients When the United States’ welfare program was created during the Great Depression, it was meant to temporarily relieve the burdens of the one-fourth of American families who were unemployed, and struggling financially. President Franklin D. Roosevelt created the Social Security Act in 1935, then amended it in 1939 to create programs to assist families with unemployment compensation, and to create government agencies

Friday, December 20, 2019

Britain as an Awkward Partner in the European Community...

Britain as an Awkward Partner in the European Community Britain emerged from the war in a relatively favourable position, compared to its European neighbours. In 1946 industrial production was as high as at any time pre-war, and increasing quite fast. By the end of the year exports had regained their pre-war level along with this there was little unemployment and retail prices remained fairly stable. All this contrasted strongly with the situation in France, Germany and Italy. Indeed in the late 1940s and into the early 1950s Britains economy performed better then its European counterparts. Churchill suggested that France and West Germany should lead the creation of a new Europe for justice,†¦show more content†¦The official line on Britains non-entry being ,we are not willing to make prior commitment to a scheme whose terms of membership are unknown. This also underlines the fact that Britain wanted to continue as before and thought it could, at the time Britain was producing about one half of the coal and steel in Europe. Right from the conception of the European union Britain has stood aloof from the union being very cautious and wary. From as far back as the creation of the European Steel and Coal Community in 1952 Britain has shown its unwillingness and reservations about joining Europe. The ECSC was set up under the Treaty of Paris in 1951 with 6 countries signing. These countries were France, Italy, Luxemburg, Holland and Belgium. Britain was expected to join the ECSC but this was not the case. Britain at the time had a far superior economy in strength than the rest of its European counterparts and felt the union would only inhibit them Economically. In 1955 a congress was held on the creation of a general customs union, to which Britain did not deem important enough to send more than a civil servant. However even he was recalled from the conference. This demonstrated the arrogance of Britain at the time that felt that these Treaties and agreements did not warrant their involvement. Further adding to theirShow MoreRelatedUnited States Of The European Union1312 Words   |  6 PagesBritain not only has a special relationship with the United States of America (USA), but also has a different kind of special relationship with Europe. The relationship is often described as ‘reluctant’ and ‘awkward’ because Britain is member of the European Union (EU), but has a number of exemptions, for example Britain is not part of eurozone or the Schengen area. Today, the debate is if there are more benefits or disadvantages to Britain’s membership in the EU; there is no clear answer. HoweverRead MoreBritain And The Eu : How National Sovereignty And Eu Suprantionalism Play Out1578 Words   |  7 PagesBritain and the EU: How national sovereignty and EU-suprantionalism play-out. Britain’s membership of the European Union (EU) has produced a well-documented history of aloofness, vetoes, opt-outs, referenda as well as intensely contested domestic political debates. (Pilkington Watts 2005; Gowland Turner 2000; Wall 2008) It has been described as the ‘awkward partner’ (George, 1998) and a ‘stranger in Europe’ (Wall, 2008) and has long been cautious of European integration. It is widely anxiousRead MoreA Brief Note On The United Kingdom And The European Kingdom2007 Words   |  9 PagesEuroscepticism in the UK is the distrust and scepticism of the relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union and is considered a controversial and important concept in British Politics. This increase in Euroscepticism in the UK has contributed to an EU referendum on the 23rd June 2016, during which the United Kingdom will either decide to continue as a member state or to leave the European Union. 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This, coupled with the widespread of computers have contributed to the huge amount of research based on office workers, these researches and studies have identified the computer-related risk factors as; duration of use, frequency of use and awkward posture. However, there is limited study found on university students’ computer usage and the prevalence of musculoskeletal discomfort, despite the fact that computers have become an essential tool in students’ academic life. Therefore, there isRead MoreComparative Lexicology8448 Words   |  34 Pages7. Celtic borrowings When the Anglo-Saxons took control of Britain, the original Celts moved to the northern and western fringes of the island which is why the only places where Celtic languages are spoken in Britain today are in the west (Welsh in Wales) and north (Scottish Gaelic in the Scottish Highlands). Celtic speakers seem to have been kept separate from the Anglo-Saxon speakers. Those who remained in other parts of Britain must have merged in with the Anglo-Saxons. The end result is

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Event Management and Planning Services †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Event Management and Planning Services. Answer: Introduction: In this report, a profit-making event management firm has appointed an assistant financial manager that organises events for various occasions in London. Hence, Wonderland Agency has been selected as the event management firm, which is a creative-led experiential event production agency that helps the brands to engage, collect and evolve in UK. The organisation is adjudged as the specialist in corporate event planning and event production in London (Wonderland Agency 2017). The firm has several clients, out of which BBC has been chosen for this report, since Wonderland Agency is planning to conduct an annual corporate party for the same. This party would host some popular sports and movie personalities, in which the common individuals of London could attend the same by paying an entry fee. The first segment of this report aims to deal with assessing the primary purposes of financial management within the event management industry of UK and its significance to Wonderland Agency. The second segment concentrates on evaluating and suggesting the relevant sources of finance in funding this specific event. The third section lays stress on dissecting and recommending the pertinent pricing strategies inherent for pricing the products or services of the event. Finally, the report sheds light on critical assessment of the cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis through computation of number of customers to attain break-even and break-even chart. Analysis of the main purposes of financial management within the events industry: As the Assistant Financial Manager of Wonderland Agency, it is necessary to carry out the primary purposes of financial management within the organisation. These purposes are represented briefly as follows: It is necessary for the assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency to make anticipations in relation to capital needs of the organisation. This would rely on estimated profits and costs along with the future programs and policies of the organisation (Bekaert and Hodrick 2017). Thus, the manager of Wonderland Agency needs to make anticipations in an effective manner that enhances the earning ability of the organisation. After the completion of estimations, the assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency needs to decide the capital structure. In this regard, Brigham and Ehrhardt (2013) cited that it includes short-term as well as long-term debt-equity evaluation. This would rely on the part of equity capital an organisation is possessing and extra funds, which need to be accumulated from the external parties. For procurement of additional funds, an organisation has many alternatives like crowd funding, angel investors and loans to be obtained from the financial institutions and banks along with the public deposits to be obtained like in the form of bonds (Crowther, Bostock and Perry 2015). The selection of each factor would rely on relative benefits and drawbacks of each source and period of funding. It is the responsibility of the assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency, it to assist the financial manager of the organisation in deciding to distribute funds into profitable events. This would help in ensuring safety on investment and timely returns, if possible (Getz and Page 2016). The assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency could extend support to the finance manager for making the net profit decision. This could be carried out in two ways: The first method is to declare dividends, which takes into account the dividend rate and other benefits such as bonus. The second method is retained incomes, in which the volume needs to be determined based on innovation and expansion plans of the organisation (Getz 2017). The assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency is required to make decisions in relation to cash management. There is requirement of cash for various purposes such as payment of salaries and wages, payment of electricity and water bills, settling current liabilities, payments to the creditors, purchase of event-related stuffs and maintenance of adequate stock (Vogel 2014). The assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency needs to plan, utilise and procure the funds. In addition, the personnel would need to exercise control over funds. This could be accomplished through numerous techniques, which take into account financial forecasting, ratio analysis, profit and cost control (Zhou, Qiao and Ryan 2017). Analysis and recommendation of relevant sources of finance to fund the event: The following are the major sources of finance that Wonderland could seek to fund the annual party event for BBC: The invention of crowd funding platforms like Kickstarter has made testing the appetite for new events much easier, which would help Wonderland Agency to develop ideas before risking cash. The organisation could give information regarding the great upcoming event, setting a fundraising target and requesting the potential candidates to pledge in purchasing a ticket. In case, there is absence of adequate interest and it is not possible to accomplish the target, the pledged money would be released. Hence, this would minimise risk of investment for both Wonderland Agency and attendees, as they need not have to stake their own funds (Getz et al. 2015). Despite the fact that the process is easy, it would be difficult for the organisation to attract ticket purchasers. In order to make this funding source a success, Wonderland Agency needs to launch social media campaign while devoting adequate time and resources to marketing. Wonderland Agency could use websites like Angelsden for connecting with the relevant investors through personal introduction or pitching events in return of a fee. This website has 13,000 angel investors and it claims 90% rate of success following coaching on the part of a lead investor (Gration et al. 2016). However, it is necessary for Wonderland Agency to have trading history and the minimum fund amount would be 50,000. The other paths in finding an investors would be to approach the current contacts knowing and trusting the organisation or highly targeted individual investors or specialist investment groups. For instance, since Wonderland is planning to conduct an annual party for BBC, it could approach the sports organisations for placing advertisements on the selected event venue. The banks often do not provide loans easily like in the past and they are not probable i lending against an event. However, since Wonderland Agency has a proven record of accomplishment, it could avail the alternative of business loan. Alternatively, it could borrow by mortgaging one of its existing assets. However, the organisation needs to be fully ensured about the success of the event before considering the bank loan as an alternative (Holm and Breiter 2017). Wonderland Agency could use an event-ticketing platform like Eventbrite before it starts to sell tickets in advance of the planned event date. This would help in contributing to test the water as to the desirability of the event idea, since it provides access to working capital (Hoye et al. 2015). Thus, using the payment processing of Eventbrite, Wonderland Agency would be qualified to apply for advance payment in receiving payment before the event date. With the help of such processing, the organisation could obtain a proportion of advance ticket sales, since it would supply the same with crucial cash flows to have the project off the ground. The sponsors generally come on board after the event is off the drawing board. They would like to seek information about the number of attendees, the time and venue of the event, the event agenda and the marketing plan of Wonderland Agency. Hence, it would be necessary for the organisation to obtain some core funding in place or individuals signed up for the event before it approaches the sponsors. In addition, it needs to finalise the sponsorship packages along with providing a clear depiction regarding the benefits to be offered to the sponsors. Sale of exhibition space: Wonderland Agency could pre-sell exhibition stands along with obtaining deposits from exhibitors like selling advanced event tickets. The organisation could sell space for hundreds of pounds per square metre for raising a considerable amount of capital by having exhibitors on board early. Thus, it requires working with the existing contacts for gaining new exhibitors along with offering them tempting early bird discounts. After that, it could use their commitment to enable convince others of the credibility of the event (Jiang and Schmader 2014). Thus, by using a mix of the above-stated funding strategies, Wonderland Agency could test interest in the event firstly enabling it in booking venue or sign contracts in confidence, before it moves out to wooing bigger fish. Analysis and recommendation of relevant pricing strategies available for pricing the products/services of the event: This could be anywhere from 15 on up. Most of the attendees paying an hourly rate would like to seek information about the number of hours the planning is expected to take. With an hourly rate, the organisation would be paid for the hours at the event; however, the hours of coordination ahead of time. Wonderland Agency could review the requirements with the client and then it could present the price. As commented by Jones (2014), most of the clients like this approach, as they know rightly about their payments. However, the event organisation needs to be effective at anticipating the time spent on the job or it would have adverse impact in this kind of payment. This type of pricing strategy is based on a proportion of the amount raised on the part of the client BBC. Thus, it is crucial for Wonderland Agency to assure that the seats could be filled or it might earn pennies on a single pound. In this context, Liu, Sparks and Coghlan (2017) cited that some event organisations work for a percent, which usually varies between 15% and 20% of the overall event cost they know irrespective of the number of individuals they bring in. Some event professionals base their fees to receive commissions from travel agents, hotels and/or venues. This pricing strategy might be lucrative; however, it would not be the sole pay (Masterman 2014). In addition, some clients are aware of such perks and they might look down on double dipping, getting paid on their part and a venue for the identical services. Commission is highly effective in case of Wonderland Agency, since it is working with BBC that could afford its rates due to its financial stability in the market. The final strategy of pricing the event is to charge hourly having add-ons in covering expenditures (Peachey et al. 2014). Along with this, there are numerous project managers in Wonderland Agency and they would subcontract out portions they do not directly manage themselves like flowers. In such scenario, they would bill the client 15% - 20% over their cost of such services. It could include stuffs like printing and mailing as well. After critical evaluation of the above-depicted strategies, it is recommended to Wonderland Agency to adopt the flat fee pricing strategy, since BBC would be able to obtain right knowledge of the payments. In addition, Wonderland Agency has experienced professionals working in the organisation, which would help in effective estimation of the amount of time spent on the job. Critical evaluation of cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis including break-even: In the words of Pedersen and Thibault (2014), cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis is based on ascertainment of the break-even point of product volume and cost and these are highly valuable for the managers of an organisation in undertaking short-term economic decisions. CVP analysis includes various assumptions for increasing relevance by taking into consideration that the selling price, fixed costs and variable costs per unit remain identical. For carrying out this analysis, there is need for certain equations, which could be formed through price, cost and other variables. For plotting them, the economic graphs are used. Therefore, CVP analysis is the method of cost accounting associated with the effect of changing sales levels and costs pertaining to the operating profit of the organisation (Petrick, Bennett and Tsuji 2013). Wonderland Agency could depend on CVP analysis; in case, the costs remain same within a specific production level. It is assumed that each ticket printed would be sold, while a further assumption is made that the costs could be variable or fixed in CVP analysis. Another assumption associated with this analysis is that each change in expense happens due to variation in the activity level. The semi-variable expenditures could be split between the expense classification through the high-low method, scatter plot or statistical regression (Petty et al. 2015). Moreover, through CVP analysis, contribution margin is utilised to manage the product contribution margin, which is the result obtained after subtracting the variable costs from the total sales. For assuring the overall event success, Wonderland Agency needs to be careful that the contribution margin is more compared to the total fixed costs. In addition to this, the organisation could utilise contribution margin in order to determine the break-even point of sales. This could be derived by dividing the total fixed costs by the contribution margin ratio (Raj, Walters and Rashid 2017). In order to compute the number of customers to break-even, the following primary assumptions have made and they are illustrated below in the form of a figure: Particulars Units Average revenue per customer 150 Average variable cost per customer 50 Contribution cost per customer 100 Incremental fixed cost 20,000 Number of customers 400 Table 1: Primary assumptions to attain break-even (Source: As created by author) Based on the above table, it could be stated that Wonderland Agency is expecting 400 customers to attend the event. The average earning per customer is assumed as 150, while the average variable cost per customer is expected as 50. However, there is absence of any cost of sales related to the overall event conduction. Thus, the operating profit or contribution cost each customer is obtained as 100 (150 - 50). The incremental fixed cost for carrying out this corporate event of BBC is estimated at 20,000. Through these basic assumptions, the break-even in terms of sales and customers has been computed, which is represented as follows: Particulars Units Revenue 60,000 Total variable cost 20,000 Contribution cost 40,000 Incremental fixed cost 20,000 Total profit 20,000 Break-even (in customers) 200 Contribution margin ratio 66.67% Break-even (in sales) 30,000 Table 2: Break-even point in customers and sales in the context of Wonderland Agency (Source: As created by author) According to the above table, there is clear depiction of the operating profit of Wonderland Agency of 40,000 after the overall event completion. A positive operating income is always desirable in order to retain the maximum amount of profit, which could help in improving the business operations of an organisation (Stadler, Fullagar and Reid 2014). After subtracting the incremental fixed cost for the event, the net profit after organising the event would be 20,000. Hence, Wonderland Agency needs at least 200 customers to be in no-profit-no-loss situation. In addition, the break-even in sales has been obtained by multiplying the fixed cost with the contribution ratio (Kumar 2016). Hence, in order to avoid loss, Wonderland Agency would have to achieve 30,000 in sales for ensuring the success of the organisation. Different revenue scenarios have been taken into account for developing the break-even chart, which are depicted as follows: Revenue Contribution Fixed cost Profit 20,000 13,333.33 20,000 - 6,666.67 40,000 26,666.67 20,000 6,666.67 50,000 33,333.33 20,000 13,333.33 60,000 40,000.00 20,000 20,000.00 Conclusion: From the above discussion, it has been found that it is necessary for the assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency to make anticipations in relation to capital needs of the organisation. This would rely on estimated profits and costs along with the future programs and policies of the organisation. After the completion of estimations, the assistant financial manager of Wonderland Agency needs to decide the capital structure. After critical evaluation of the pricing strategies, it is recommended to Wonderland Agency to adopt the flat fee pricing strategy, since BBC would be able to obtain right knowledge of the payments. In addition, Wonderland Agency has experienced professionals working in the organisation, which would help in effective estimation of the amount of time spent on the job. Hence, in order to avoid loss, Wonderland Agency would have to achieve 30,000 in sales for ensuring the success of the organisation. References: Bekaert, G. and Hodrick, R., 2017.International financial management. Cambridge University Press. Brigham, E.F. and Ehrhardt, M.C., 2013.Financial management: Theory practice. Cengage Learning. Crowther, P., Bostock, J. and Perry, J., 2015. Review of established methods in event research.Event Management,19(1), pp.93-107. Getz, D. and Page, S.J., 2016.Event studies: Theory, research and policy for planned events. Routledge. Getz, D., 2017. Keynote: Designing the Event Management Curriculum for the Future. Getz, D., Andersson, T., Vujicic, S. and Robinson, R.N., 2015. Food events in lifestyle and travel.Event Management,19(3), pp.407-419. Gration, D., Raciti, M., Getz, D. and Andersson, T.D., 2016. Resident Valuation of Planned Events: An Event Portfolio Pilot Study.Event Management,20(4), pp.607-622. Holm, M.R. and Breiter, D., 2017. Communication and hands-on problem resolution: A case study in event management. Hoye, R., Smith, A.C., Nicholson, M. and Stewart, B., 2015.Sport management: principles and applications. Routledge. Jiang, J. and Schmader, S.W., 2014. Event management education and professionalism: The view from the trenches.Event Management,18(1), pp.25-37. Jones, M., 2014.Sustainable event management: A practical guide. Routledge. Liu, W., Sparks, B. and Coghlan, A., 2017. Event Experiences Through the Lens of Attendees.Event Management,21(4), pp.463-479. Masterman, G., 2014.Strategic sports event management. Routledge. Peachey, J.W., Cunningham, G., Lyras, A., Cohen, A. and Bruening, J., 2014. Exploring participant motivations to take part in an elite, multinational, sport-for-development event.Event Management,18(2), pp.153-168. Pedersen, P.M. and Thibault, L. eds., 2014.Contemporary sport management, 5E. Human Kinetics. Petrick, J.F., Bennett, G. and Tsuji, Y., 2013. Development of a scale for measuring event attendees' evaluations of a sporting event to determine loyalty.Event Management,17(2), pp.97-110. Petty, J.W., Titman, S., Keown, A.J., Martin, P., Martin, J.D. and Burrow, M., 2015.Financial management: Principles and applications. Pearson Higher Education AU. Raj, R., Walters, P. and Rashid, T., 2017.Events management: principles and practice. Sage. Stadler, R., Fullagar, S. and Reid, S., 2014. The professionalization of festival organizations: a relational approach to knowledge management.Event Management,18(1), pp.39-52. Vogel, H.L., 2014.Entertainment industry economics: A guide for financial analysis. Cambridge University Press. Wonderland Agency. (2017).Event Management and Planning Services. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Nov. 2017]. Zhou, C.N., Qiao, G. and Ryan, C., 2017. How Might Chinese Medium Sized Cities Improve Competitive Advantage in the Event Tourism Market?.Event Management,21(1), pp.109-118.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

I Am Not A Label by Prince Ea free essay sample

The way Prince Ea starts the song out is very unique and it really makes you think. When we says â€Å"I didnt come out of my mothers whom saying† it makes you stop and say to yourself, maybe I didn’t want to be like this but neither did anyone else, we didnt get to chose how we are. I big part in this song is when he says â€Å"eventually we all swallow them, we digest and accept the labels never ever doubting them† this hits me hard because it’s not just one person that makes these â€Å"labels† a thing it all of us together. He gives you assurance if youre still not with him and don’t agree with him when he says â€Å" Listen I’m not here to tell you how science has concluded that genetically were all mixed and race and the human species does not exist or how every historian knows that race what invented in the 15th century to divide people from each other and it has worked perfectly, no† He made the song that everyone can re late. We will write a custom essay sample on I Am Not A Label by Prince Ea or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He makes you think super hard when he says â€Å"who would you be if the world never gave you a label, never gave you a box to check?† it makes you think; who would I be, what box would I check? I think that everyone can agree that this song is deep and we all agree on the part where he say â€Å"we would be one, we would be together no longer living in the era†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This brings hopes. When he says â€Å" every war has started over labels†¦Ã¢â‚¬  I believe that most people would agree. The part that I think brings it all together and brings it close to the heart is when he says â€Å" Isn’t funny how no baby is born racist yet every baby cries when they hear the cries of another no matter their gender culture or color proving that deep down we were meant to connect and care for each other†¦Ã¢â‚¬  After you listen to this song you can’t dismiss labels anymore. This song is very touching. You shows a very important message that the whole wor ld should know. Although is very emotional I think that we need todays children to not associate people with labels that way everyone can be happy and so that families and people don’t have to be torn apart by â€Å" these labels that will forever blind us from seeing a person for who they are but instead seeing them through the judgmental, prejudicial, artificial filters for who we think that are†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 